Sales pitchMaking an engaging sales pitch is no walk in the park. Whether you’re making a call or doing a boardroom presentation, you’ll need to make a good first impression and hold your customer’s attention throughout to do it well. But why do so many sales pitches fall flat? Too much jargon, too much information and a lack of direction can ruin a sales pitch and are best avoided. If you find that your sales pitch needs a recharge then here are 4 basic rules to help you on your way.

  1. Do your research

Crafting the perfect pitch requires a sound understanding of your customer. So do thorough research on their company, industry and their competitors. Your sales pitch should also be different each time you deliver it. If you launch in blindly from the same angle every time, then you won’t fit the specified needs of your prospective customer that you’re dealing with and your pitch will fall flat.

  1. Speak to the right person

All the best research and information in the world won’t help if you’re speaking to the wrong person. Before you start out ensure you’re speaking to the appropriate decision maker in the company. Speaking to anyone other than the key decision maker is only a waste of everyone’s effort and time.

  1. Give your customer the right answers

A strong sales pitch should acknowledge a need or problem within an industry and provide an effective solution. Your message should be honed on a specific product feature or features that your audience will benefit most from.

  1. Be prepared to handle objections

As you’re reviewing your sales message, be sure your presentation not only includes detailed research and solves a customer problem, but it also addresses potential objections that may come up. Does the target audience currently have a competing product that is similar? If so, highlight the features that differentiate your product from the competition.

KashFlow is simple online accounting software for business owners that enables you to easily create professional invoices and add cashless payments to get paid instantly. You don’t need any specialist bookkeeping or payroll knowledge to use it as it’s simple to get to grips with.

By using KashFlow you can save money, hassle and time, leaving you more time to respond to your customer’s needs. For a free no-obligation 1-2-1 demo just call the KashFlow on boarding team on 0844 815 5779.


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