TL:DR version

We’ve got some exciting stuff going on. If you understand jQuery, REST, JSON, Agile  then this could be for you. We’re doing some very nice stuff but need you to join us to make it a huge success. Specifically we need a JS/jQuery developer, a Web Designer and a Project Manager to join our existing team.
Agencies: sod off.

KashFlow is a pure SaaS accounting application.  But it does more than just number crunching. We’re all about simplifying the job of running a small business by using automation, integrations and easily understood software. Tens of thousands of businesses rely on us to continue to delivering on that vision.

The first lines of code in our app were written by me in classic ASP many years ago. The bulk of our code is still classic ASP with a fair amount of javascript and a sprinkling of C#. The back-end is a multi-tenant SQL database.

SaaS isn’t about version numbers. It’s about continuous iterations, enhancements and additions. And whilst we do that, we are also gradually replacing all of our code with what can only be described as the next version of the software. It’s a real step-change. This is the model we’re using. Ultimately we’ll be a pure JavaScript and HTML5 application that talks to a REST API. It’s an ambitious project, but we’re nothing if not ambitious.

We’re well progressed already. The REST API and first few functions are done as are chunks of the UI. We’re just about to release some  of this to our users and it’ll co-exist with our existing code. Exciting times.

Currently there are 12 of us working on this full time. Three (including me as Founder and CEO setting the vision for it all and project managing) based in central London and the rest in our office in Pune, India. Additionally we have two working as freelancers on the project, an uber SQL guru and a guy who writes the kind of HTML/CSS that makes you weep (in a good way).

I want to add three more people to the team. But only if we can find the very best. There are three opportunities here:

1) Technical Project Manager [ROLE FILLED – YAY!]

As CEO I have a lot of other stuff to do, also I’m not a good project manager. Hopefully you are. You’ll need a good understanding of scrum/agile. You’ll be the linchpin between the team in London and the team in India (regular India trips, business class of course). Your other responsibilities will depend on your strengths and desires but ultimately you’re responsible for making sure things happen when they’re meant to happen

2) Web Developer [ROLE FILLED – YAY!]

I can’t convince James, our weep-worthy freelancer, to up sticks and move his whole family closer to London to join us full time. Can you produce beautifully simple and clean designs and code which uses progressive enhancements and is standards compliant? Are you familiar with responsive web design? You’ll be producing the HTML and  CSS that the dev team will use to make the app gorgeous across multiple platforms. Bonus points if you’ve worked in a complex web-app before.

3) JavaScript/jQuery Developer [ROLE FILLED – YAY!]

We’re learning a lot as we go on the JavaScript front and need someone full-time to join us that can bring a wealth of existing knowledge. I know exactly what this person is like already. He (or she) is a  coffee-fuelled code-writing cliche. You’re uncomfortable around the opposite sex – they don’t get your “pull request” jokes. You’ve probably already written and published a few of your own jQuery plugins. Is this you?


All the roles above are full-time and based in London. You need a sense of humour and a strong personal drive.  You need to be the kind of person that gets satisfaction from a job well done and the words “that’s not in my job description” have never passed your lips. You’ll need all four of the attributes listed here.

If you’re interested then please email me directly with a CV, salary expectations and a covering letter explaining why you want the role and what you bring to the table.

It’s all the enjoyment, innovation, attitude and fulfilment of working in a start-up, with the security, resources and user base of an established business.

If you’re damn good at what you do then I promise you that working here will change your life (hopefully in a good way)

No agencies.
Our usual notice applies: If you are an agency and you call/email about this role anyway, then I reserve the right to include you in a future blog post about recruitment agencies who can’t read and can’t be any good anyway or they wouldn’t have to phone people who explicitly said “No Agencies”.

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