KashFlow's Change Log

Stripe Payment Processor

We’re happy to announce that our Stripe integration is now out of beta and fully live! Stripe is a payment processor that allows you take instantly take card payments online for a simple flat fee of 2.4% + 20p + VAT per successful charge. There’s no setup fees, no monthly fees,…

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API Change – GetReceipts with Paging

As part of further improvements to our API and to ensure quicker and more efficient results for all API consumers we will shortly be introducing a new method for fetching receipts along with paging parameters (GetReceiptsWithPaging). Please be aware that this paging method will be introduced on August 1st 2013 and so we…

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New SOAP API function – GetProductsWithSubProducts

As part of our objective to enhance the functionality of our API, we’ve introduced a new scalable function to get a list of nominal codes that include a list of products (within your sales types) and sub-outgoing types (within your outgoing types). Full details on this new method are available on the…

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Product Code Changes

As part of continued improvements to KashFlow we’re making some changes to the product code field, for both products and sub-outgoing types. What is changing? Previously, the product code field was not required and you were free to leave this blank or enter in any code including duplicates. As of…

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A New Form For Sending Emails

As we’ve continued to add more and more features to the software, some inconsistencies inevitably get introduced. A perfect example of this were the pages where you send emails (invoices, remittance advice, reminder letters, etc). They all varied a little. Some used the Email Template system, some didn’t. Some allowed…

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Quick Access to Nominal Activity

If you want to see the transactions on a particular code, you can go via the Trial Balance Report or Nominal Ledger Report. But we’ve just added a quicker route to get straight into the specifics of a nominal code without having to first run a report. Simply got to…

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GoCardless – View Pending Direct Debit Requests

Our customers have told us that it’s annoying to not be able to see when a GoCardless Direct Debit Mandate has been sent to a customer but not yet completed. So we’ve changed that. If you view a customer record that has a pending Direct Debit Mandate then then it…

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View GoCardless Status for All Customers

You can now easily see which customers have a GoCardless Direct Debit Mandate set up. Simply run the Customers Report (Either from the top of the main “Customers” page, or from within the “Reports” section) There is a new column labelled “GoCardless Mandate”. This will read either YES, NO or…

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