Sage confirm KashFlow as most noteworthy web-based competitior
A number of KashFlow customers have got in touch recently to tell me about an email they received from Sage.
Earlier this year we offered our online accounting software for free to anyone that could send us a copy of their boxed accounting software. A little video on YouTube demonstrating the future of boxed software got over 27,000 views and really helped fuel our campaign.
Sage then launched a campaign offering small businesses 25% off their software if they trade in a competing product.
The interesting part is that on their site they list “examples of suppliers that we offer our trade in discount against” for Sage 50 Accounts and list a number of products including Quickbooks and MYOB. But the onlyweb-based accounting software they mention is KashFlow.
When we ran our offer we received loads of software, including lots of copies of Sage. The total “value” of the software was over £10,000. I’m willing to bet Sage wont attract a single KashFlow customer with this tactic.
They can’t be getting much interest in the offer or someone would have pointed out to them that their link to the Sage 50 Accounts product actuall goes to a page for Sage 50 Payroll.