A while back we added Multi-month (ie, quarterly, 6-monthly, etc) and Every X days as an option for your Repeat Invoices. We’ve now upgraded Repeat Purchases to also support the automatic creation of receipts based on these time intervals
When configuring a Sales Type, you had just one tick box labelled "Declare as EC Sales" This determined whether or not sales of the item were included on Box 8 of the VAT return and in the EC Sales List. We’ve now separated this into two options: "Include in Box…
If you have enabled the option to show an icon to indicate a receipt has an attachment on the main Receipts page (set in Settings -> Purchase Options) then this icon will now also show in the list of receipts shown on the page where you view details of a…
If your currency symbol is a dollar sign, then you’ll be pleased to see a number of subtle changes to the software and spelling to make you feel more at home
Either from the main Customers tab, or via the Report section, you can download a CSV (spreadsheet) file that contains details of all or selected your customers. We’ve just added some extra fields to this report. So that we don’t mess up any macros customer may have set up,…
We’ve updated our Accounting API The InvoiceLine class now has a ProjID field that is used when inserting a new invoice. There is now a method for retrieving projects and for creating or updating them.