
This s a documentation page for our shiny new REST API - you weren't meant to find it. This API isn't ready for public use yet. We're chopping and changing it a LOT as we grow it. So if you build something that uses it then it's very likely to break in a future update. Don't say you weren't warned!




Response Formats:



Kashflow gives permalink support for major entities. These permalinks can be used to print various documents in different supported formats.

Below table shows different types of permalinks supported.

Document TypePermalink URLDescription
Invoice/invoice/{invoicekey}{invoicekey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to invoice. Permalink can be obtained from INVOICE GET.
Quote/quote/{quotekey}{quotekey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to quote.Permalink can be obtained from QUOTE GET.
Purchase/purchaseorder/{purchasekey}{purchasekey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to purchase.
Invoice Payment (Payment Receipt)/invoice/payment/{paymentkey}{paymentkey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to payment.
Purchase Payment (Remittance Advice)/purchase/payment/{paymentkey}{paymentkey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to payment.
Packing Slip/packingslip/{invoicekey}{invoicekey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to invoice.
Customer Statement/customerstatement/{customerkey}?startdate={startdate}&enddate={enddate}&excludepaid={excludepaid}&filterby={filterby}{customerkey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to customer. {startdate} and {enddate} needs to be specified in yyyymmdd format. {excludepaid} can be set as true/false. If set to true excludes paid invoices from statement. If {startdate} and {enddate} are not supplied, statement for last three months is fetched. If {filterby} parameter is set to ‘All’, then irrespective of the date specified, all invoices for the customer will be enlisted in the statement.
Supplier Statement/supplierstatement/{supplierkey}?startdate={startdate}&enddate={enddate}&excludepaid={excludepaid}&filterby={filterby}{supplierkey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to supplier.{startdate} and {enddate} needs to be specified in yyyymmdd format. {excludepaid} can be set as true/false. If set to true excludes paid purchases from statement. If {startdate} and {enddate} are not supplied, statement for last three months is fetched. If {filterby} parameter is set to ‘All’, then irrespective of the date specified, all receipts for the supplier will be enlisted in the statement.
Reminder Letter/reminderletter/{reminderletterkey}{reminderletterkey} is the unique guid assigned to each reminder letter.

All these permalinks also support following parameters and can be used in the following way
Example : /documents/invoice/{invoicekey}?theme={theme}&media={media}

themeDatabase id for the theme set up for user account. If not mentioned user’s default theme will be used.
mediaMedia in which user wants to print document. Available options are Print,Email And ViaPost. If not mentioned it will be set to Print by default.

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