VAT MOSS Returns

This s a documentation page for our shiny new REST API - you weren't meant to find it. This API isn't ready for public use yet. We're chopping and changing it a LOT as we grow it. So if you build something that uses it then it's very likely to break in a future update. Don't say you weren't warned!




Response Formats:



These methods allow to retrieve the list of vat moss returns, create a new return and delete a return.


IdNumericUnique vat moss return identifier
PeriodStringPeriod for which VAT Moss return was submitted. e.g. Q1 2015
DownloadedBooleanVAT Moss return downloaded or not.
NetValueOfSalesDecimalNet value of sales for a particular period
NetVatDueDecimalNet value of vat due for a particular period

GET Operation

GET of VAT MOSS returns list for user

URL: /reports/vatmoss
List of all previous VAT Moss returns filed by user.

Example response for GET of bank transaction list

    "Id": 1,
    "CreatedDate": null,
    "Period": "Q1 2015",
    "StartDate": null,
    "EndDate": null,
    "VatScheme": 0,
    "ReturnType": 0,
    "Downloaded": true,
    "JournalId": 0,
    "VatNumber": null,
    "TaxableSupplies": false,
    "NetValueOfSales": 3234.0000,
    "VatDue": 0.0,
    "Items": null,
    "NetVatDue": 123.0000
    "Id": 2,
    "CreatedDate": null,
    "Period": "Q2 2015",
    "StartDate": null,
    "EndDate": null,
    "VatScheme": 0,
    "ReturnType": 0,
    "Downloaded": false,
    "JournalId": 0,
    "VatNumber": null,
    "TaxableSupplies": false,
    "NetValueOfSales": 987.0000,
    "VatDue": 0.0,
    "Items": null,
    "NetVatDue": 381.0000

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