VAT Moss Report

This s a documentation page for our shiny new REST API - you weren't meant to find it. This API isn't ready for public use yet. We're chopping and changing it a LOT as we grow it. So if you build something that uses it then it's very likely to break in a future update. Don't say you weren't warned!




Response Formats:



These methods allow you to retrieve, create, and delete VAT MOSS Reports for a specified quarter.


IdintegerId of VAT MOSS return report
CreatedDateStringDate when VAT Moss return report got created.for e.g.JSON Format :2012-06-28 12:00:00, XML Format : 2012-06-28 12:00:00
PeriodStringPeriod for which VAT Moss return was submitted. e.g. Q1/2015
StartDateStringDate when quarter starts
EndDateStringDate when quarter ends
VatSchemeInteger/StringValue indicating what is VAT scheme. [ 0 | Accrual ] or [ 1 | Cash accounting ]
ReturnTypeInteger/StringValue indicating whether return type of user is union or non-union. [ 1 | union ] or [ 0 | nonunion ]
DownloadedBooleanVAT Moss return downloaded or not.
JournalIdIntegerJournal Id of VAT Moss return report
VatNumberStringVat number of a customer
TaxableSuppliesBooleanWhether the supplies are taxable or not
NetValueOfSalesDecimalNet value of sales due for a particular period
NetVatDueDecimalNet value of vat due for a particular period
VAT Moss return item parameters
IdIntegerId of a VAT MOSS return item
CountryNameStringName of country for which VAT MOSS is applied
CountryCodeStringCountry code for which VAT MOSS is applied
VatTypeInteger/StringType of VAT rate. [ 1 | Standard ] , [ 2 | Parking ], [ 3 | Reduced ], [ 4 | SuperReduced]
VatRateIntegerVAT rate for a particular VAT rate type
VatAmountIntegerVAT amount for a particular country for particular VAT type and VAT rate

GET Operation

URL: /reports/vatmoss/{id}
Returns VAT Moss report details when Id of report is provided. This will return report which was already been saved/finalized by user.

Example response for GET of VAT Moss return report for specified report id

  "CreatedDate":"2015-03-26 12:00:00",
  "Period": "Q1/2015",
  "StartDate":"2015-01-01 12:00:00",
  "EndDate":"2015-03-31 12:00:00",

URL: reports/vatmoss?previewQuarter={yyyymm}
Here, parameter: previewQuarter, will have value of the quarter month and year for which report needs to be generated.
Returns VAT Moss report details for specified quarter. This will return report(and not the report which has already been saved/finalized) with errors for invoices if any.
Below errors will be considered:

  1. Any invoice having digital service line with no VAT.
  2. Any invoice with incorrect VAT rate set to it.
  3. If there are more than 150 rows then the additional lines will not be included

Example response for GET of VAT Moss return report for specified quarter

  "Period": "Q1/2015",
  "StartDate":"2015-01-01 12:00:00",
  "EndDate":"2015-03-31 12:00:00",

URL: /reports/vatmoss/{id}/drilldown
Returns VAT Moss drilled down data for a VAT Moss return which was already been saved/finalized by user.

Example response for GET of drilled data for an existing VAT Moss return.

    "InvoiceNumber": 318,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "BE",
    "CountryName": "Belgium",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.0000 
    "InvoiceNumber": 322,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "BE",
    "CountryName": "Belgium",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.0000 
    "InvoiceNumber": 321,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "DK",
    "CountryName": "Denmark",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 18.4000 
    "InvoiceNumber": 319,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "HR",
    "CountryName": "Croatia",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.4000 
    "InvoiceNumber": 320,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "CY",
    "CountryName": "Cyprus",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 8.0000 

URL: /reports/vatmoss/drilldown?previewQuarter=201501
Returns VAT Moss drilled down data for the specified quarter. The allowed date format is YYYYMM.

Example response for GET of drilled down VAT Moss data for a specified quarter.

    "StartDate": "2015-01-01 12:00:00",
    "EndDate": "2015-03-31 12:00:00",
    "InvoiceNumber": 318,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "BE",
    "CountryName": "Belgium",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.0000 
}, {
    "InvoiceNumber": 322,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "BE",
    "CountryName": "Belgium",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.0000 
}, {
    "InvoiceNumber": 321,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "DK",
    "CountryName": "Denmark",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 18.4000 
}, {
    "InvoiceNumber": 319,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "HR",
    "CountryName": "Croatia",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 2.4000 
}, {
    "InvoiceNumber": 320,
    "CustomerCode": "DIGI01",
    "CustomerName": "Digital",
    "CountryCode": "CY",
    "CountryName": "Cyprus",
    "VATRate": 20.0000,
    "VATAmount": 8.0000 

POST Operation

URL: /reports/vatmoss/
Saves the filanized VAT MOSS return and also creates a journal reflecting the amount that needs to be declared to HMRC for the VAT MOSS return.

Example request

    "Id": 0,
    "Period": "Q1/2015",
    "StartDate": "2015-01-01 12:00:00",
    "EndDate": "2015-03-31 12:00:00",
    "VatScheme": "Cash",
    "ReturnType": "Union",
    "Downloaded": false,
    "VatNumber": "GB 2344923748",
    "TaxableSupplies": true,
    "NetValueOfSales": 4000.00,
    "NetVatDue": 570.00,
    "Items": [
        "Id": 0,
        "CountryName": "Belgium",
        "VatType": 1,
        "VatRate": 22,
        "VatAmount": 220.00,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000.00
        "Id": 0,
        "CountryName": "Austria",
        "VatType": 1,
        "VatRate": 15,
        "VatAmount": 150.00,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000.00
        "Id": 0,
        "CountryName": "Spain",
        "VatType": 3,
        "VatRate": 13,
        "VatAmount": 130.00,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000.00
        "Id": 0,
        "CountryName": "Spain",
        "VatType": 4,
        "VatRate": 7,
        "VatAmount": 70.00,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000.00

Example response

    "Id": 34,
    "CreatedDate": "2015-03-26 04:13:50",
    "Period": "Q1/2015",
    "StartDate": "2015-01-01 12:00:00",
    "EndDate": "2015-03-31 12:00:00",
    "VatScheme": "Cash",
    "ReturnType": "Union",
    "Downloaded": false,
    "JournalId": 1323432,
    "VatNumber": "GB 2344923748",
    "TaxableSupplies": true,
    "NetValueOfSales": 4000,
    "NetVatDue": 570,
    "Items": [
        "Id": 16,
        "CountryName": "Belgium",
        "VatType": 1,
        "VatRate": 22,
        "VatAmount": 220,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000
        "Id": 17,
        "CountryName": "Austria",
        "VatType": 1,
        "VatRate": 15,
        "VatAmount": 150,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000
        "Id": 18,
        "CountryName": "Spain",
        "VatType": 3,
        "VatRate": 13,
        "VatAmount": 130,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000
        "Id": 19,
        "CountryName": "Spain",
        "VatType": 4,
        "VatRate": 7,
        "VatAmount": 70,
        "NetValueOfSupplies": 1000

GET Operation

Download VAT MOSS return as excel sheet.

URL: /reports/vatmoss/{vatmossreturnkey}
Download VAT MOSS return. {vatmossreturnkey} in the URL will be replaced by unique guid assigned to each VAT MOSS return.

NOTE:This is unauthenticated request. Report can be downloaded by using this URL in browser.

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